Therapist Workshops

It is never too late to begin awakening your spark for love and creativity! I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice in Northeast Portland, Oregon. Therapy with couples who need help finding that spark again is my specialty.

Find couples counseling too expensive, too serious, or too therapy-y for your relationship? In addition to private sessions, I also offer workshops at my office in NE Portland, Oregon. Couples counseling workshops offer a fun and dynamic way to learn and grow. Visit my blog for the latest workshop schedule.

Before beginning my private practice, I did community-based intensive therapy with kids and families here in Portland, Oregon. Therapy for couples and families as well as children plays an important role in setting up healthier environments for kids with behavioral and mental health issues. Helping young people is still a part of my professional life, because I work as an on-call therapist at Legacy Emmanuel in their inpatient adolescent unit.

Along with my education and experience as an LCSW, I’m also a Certified Hendricks Coach. My first experience with the work/play of Gay & Katie Hendricks was at a relationship skills workshop in Boulder, Colorado, while I was finishing my MSW. Several years later, I am excited to build a community of conscious living and loving here in Portland, Oregon. Therapy typically helps you get through conflicts. Why not go beyond a lack of conflict and create love, abundance, appreciation, and passion in your life and relationships all the time?

Are you ready to enjoy an open, purposeful, and exciting relationship? Contact me today to find out whether or not I’m the right Portland, Oregon, therapist for you.

“There are certain signs and symptoms that occur when you are having core emotions. Some of the signs are obvious—sweaty palms, clenched fists—but others are not quite so easy to recognize. It is important that you learn to listen to the subtle signals of your body, so that you will know when you are experiencing different feelings.”
From Conscious Loving, Drs Gay and Katie Hendricks

Portland Oregon Therapist For Couples | Portland Oregon Therapy For Couples | Portland Oregon Therapy With Couples | Portland Oregon Couples Counseling Workshops